Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cool T-shirt Templates


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Business Blogging - Must have for Your Business

Business Blogging is a must have for anyone interested in engaging with customers, it enables creating understanding of business, becoming more personable so your customers can really get to know you, and, not to mention, free top search engine rank. It is a plus for your customers and potential customers to think of you as an actual human being while allowing them to stay informed on how your brand generates revenue. Alot of customers are business owners themselves. So posting updated info on your site can be useful and informing creating more income and awareness of your business.

Maisha Walker wrote "Bloggings Big Pay-offs"

Building Community
Related Articles by Maisha:

To Blog or Not to Blog

Building Your Tribe - 6 LinkedIn Success Studies (final/part 3)

Building Your Tribe - 6 LinkedIn Success Studies (part 2)

Small Business "Success Studies" Using LinkedIn
As I stated in an earlier post, every business needs a team or as Seth Godin would put it "a tribe". Being open with your content through a blog can help you establish one

Search Engine Optimization
Because you are writing so much content on a (presumably) regular basis, your blog can be an excellent way to improve search engine rankings...click here to read full post great info!

Go back to www.runinvictory.com

Interesting Article - Hope for a Dying Dead Sea

RBC Ministries sent  me this article I thought it was good fyi info and wanted to post it.

BEEN THINKING ABOUT: Hope for a Dying Dead Sea The Dead Sea is dying. Water levels of what the Bible also calls The Salt Sea, already rest at the lowest on earth (1378 feet below sea level), and are dropping at a rate of three feet a year. The problem has developed not only from natural weather cycles, but also from the amount of water that the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of...

Fundraise with Run In VIctory

Heat pressing is a t-shirt printing technique that we use that transfers an image to the t-shirt through means of high temperatures. This is not the same as iron ons at home but instead delivers a higher quality of the image.and lasts longer.

    Here at Run in Victory we use creative tactics that can make a heat pressed shirt look alot like a screen printed shirt. Although we do not promise this, every image is different, we certainly aim for this effect. This allows us to assist non-profits and other small organizations to have a great product to sell at a great price.

    For these products we charge $5.00 a shirt for white and some blacks with design on one side.

    Let's just say a small non-profit organization made an investment of $360.00. That organization would have 72 shirts. If they were to sell the shirts for $10 a piece that would be a total of $720.00.That would be $360.00 in profits! But that's thinking small. Fortunately the retail value for these shirts are between $15-$20. What happened if they sold the shirts for $20. They would bring in $1,440.00! That's well worth a $360.00 investment!

Getting started is simple. Download our product catalog and order form below. Feel free to edit the forms to suit your organization's needs ex. change logo and set prices. Be sure to download both forms. Start your fundraiser venture, take orders and call/email us to place order. And thte shirts are on the way! Keep in mind there is a 5 - 7 day turnaround.

    We love and charish those in the community doing positive things in the kingdom! We want to help you get the money for your organization that you deserve. After you succeed we want to here your success stories and post them right here with your name and ministries in the Atlanta area. With that said may God bless you and your fundraiser ventures!

To view our products click here ------> www.runinvictory.com/inspirational-t-shirts.html

Monday, October 5, 2009

Free Shirts!

Got an original idea for a christian or inspirational tee? or is it just a really cool design.  Run In Victory are now excepting new artist. I am talking to all you artists who have an idea that is stuck in your head. Get it out and on to a shirt. Its easy go to the send the art to admin@runinvictory.com or submit online at www.runinvictory.com

Run In Victory Update

We want to thank all our customers for the testimonials. We will add them to the site as soon as possible. We feel so blessed to have an opportunity like this. Helping others achieve success is a privilege. "Big shout outs" to God for blessing us with new screen printing equipment  to handle larger orders:) We have really come a long way quickly as a recession born business. That is why we are also encouraging others to step out on faith and open that business that they have been thinking about all their lives regardless as to how it looks on the outside. Start small if you have to but start.

One of my customers told me that we are ranking in the top five on google. Just want to thank everyone for visiting the site and for the awesome support we are getting in the community. We really look forward in serving you all and continuing to print your tees! Thanks again!

Go back to www.runinvictory.com

"I just wanted to let you know what a great job you did on the Thrifty Living Tee shirts.  Everyone that got one put it on immediately, they look wonderful.  We are happy with the quality and the work, we will let people know who to call if they ever need shirts.

    Thank you for coming all the way out to my house in that awful rainstorm to deliver the shirts to us.  It was nice to meet you and your husband, new friends as well as brothers and sisters in Christ.  We trust that God will bless your business and make grow beyond your expectations."


                                                                                        - Carol (thrifty living)

Start Your Own Business, Getting Your First Burst of Calls

To get the ball rolling for your new biz. There must be a burst of new potential customers calling you for info on your product with hopes of making a purchase. When most people start a company the have a small budget as well as small popularity. It is important now days to be present online as well as offline.Offline advertising should not be ignored due to potential internet UN-Savvy customers. So here are some tips that we have used as a new company that we found very helpful.

1. Yellowpages.com - Free local listings - You may be shocked to know that people are ditching the telephone books and using the internet for there main source of research. Yellow pages is a very effective free route to take.

2. Road signs - This form of advertising is good for all those who don't own an email or don't get online often. Road signs are good because now days you can get them really cheap. Some people buy the chloroplast wholesale and write there ads. This method can be quite controversial due to litter. So make sure you have permission from the property owner before posting road signs.

3. Company Blogging - this is the best form in my opinion because customers can get to know you and your business better while bringing in new customers. The search engines love blogs therefore, You should too!

Hope this helped if so...drop a comment!

T-shirts are printed for $5 @


How to Start a Clothing Line | eHow.com

How to Start a Clothing Line | eHow.com

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