Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cool T-shirt Templates


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Business Blogging - Must have for Your Business

Business Blogging is a must have for anyone interested in engaging with customers, it enables creating understanding of business, becoming more personable so your customers can really get to know you, and, not to mention, free top search engine rank. It is a plus for your customers and potential customers to think of you as an actual human being while allowing them to stay informed on how your brand generates revenue. Alot of customers are business owners themselves. So posting updated info on your site can be useful and informing creating more income and awareness of your business.

Maisha Walker wrote "Bloggings Big Pay-offs"

Building Community
Related Articles by Maisha:

To Blog or Not to Blog

Building Your Tribe - 6 LinkedIn Success Studies (final/part 3)

Building Your Tribe - 6 LinkedIn Success Studies (part 2)

Small Business "Success Studies" Using LinkedIn
As I stated in an earlier post, every business needs a team or as Seth Godin would put it "a tribe". Being open with your content through a blog can help you establish one

Search Engine Optimization
Because you are writing so much content on a (presumably) regular basis, your blog can be an excellent way to improve search engine rankings...click here to read full post great info!

Go back to www.runinvictory.com

Interesting Article - Hope for a Dying Dead Sea

RBC Ministries sent  me this article I thought it was good fyi info and wanted to post it.

BEEN THINKING ABOUT: Hope for a Dying Dead Sea The Dead Sea is dying. Water levels of what the Bible also calls The Salt Sea, already rest at the lowest on earth (1378 feet below sea level), and are dropping at a rate of three feet a year. The problem has developed not only from natural weather cycles, but also from the amount of water that the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of...

Fundraise with Run In VIctory

Heat pressing is a t-shirt printing technique that we use that transfers an image to the t-shirt through means of high temperatures. This is not the same as iron ons at home but instead delivers a higher quality of the image.and lasts longer.

    Here at Run in Victory we use creative tactics that can make a heat pressed shirt look alot like a screen printed shirt. Although we do not promise this, every image is different, we certainly aim for this effect. This allows us to assist non-profits and other small organizations to have a great product to sell at a great price.

    For these products we charge $5.00 a shirt for white and some blacks with design on one side.

    Let's just say a small non-profit organization made an investment of $360.00. That organization would have 72 shirts. If they were to sell the shirts for $10 a piece that would be a total of $720.00.That would be $360.00 in profits! But that's thinking small. Fortunately the retail value for these shirts are between $15-$20. What happened if they sold the shirts for $20. They would bring in $1,440.00! That's well worth a $360.00 investment!

Getting started is simple. Download our product catalog and order form below. Feel free to edit the forms to suit your organization's needs ex. change logo and set prices. Be sure to download both forms. Start your fundraiser venture, take orders and call/email us to place order. And thte shirts are on the way! Keep in mind there is a 5 - 7 day turnaround.

    We love and charish those in the community doing positive things in the kingdom! We want to help you get the money for your organization that you deserve. After you succeed we want to here your success stories and post them right here with your name and ministries in the Atlanta area. With that said may God bless you and your fundraiser ventures!

To view our products click here ------> www.runinvictory.com/inspirational-t-shirts.html

Monday, October 5, 2009

Free Shirts!

Got an original idea for a christian or inspirational tee? or is it just a really cool design.  Run In Victory are now excepting new artist. I am talking to all you artists who have an idea that is stuck in your head. Get it out and on to a shirt. Its easy go to the send the art to admin@runinvictory.com or submit online at www.runinvictory.com

Run In Victory Update

We want to thank all our customers for the testimonials. We will add them to the site as soon as possible. We feel so blessed to have an opportunity like this. Helping others achieve success is a privilege. "Big shout outs" to God for blessing us with new screen printing equipment  to handle larger orders:) We have really come a long way quickly as a recession born business. That is why we are also encouraging others to step out on faith and open that business that they have been thinking about all their lives regardless as to how it looks on the outside. Start small if you have to but start.

One of my customers told me that we are ranking in the top five on google. Just want to thank everyone for visiting the site and for the awesome support we are getting in the community. We really look forward in serving you all and continuing to print your tees! Thanks again!

Go back to www.runinvictory.com

"I just wanted to let you know what a great job you did on the Thrifty Living Tee shirts.  Everyone that got one put it on immediately, they look wonderful.  We are happy with the quality and the work, we will let people know who to call if they ever need shirts.

    Thank you for coming all the way out to my house in that awful rainstorm to deliver the shirts to us.  It was nice to meet you and your husband, new friends as well as brothers and sisters in Christ.  We trust that God will bless your business and make grow beyond your expectations."


                                                                                        - Carol (thrifty living)

Start Your Own Business, Getting Your First Burst of Calls

To get the ball rolling for your new biz. There must be a burst of new potential customers calling you for info on your product with hopes of making a purchase. When most people start a company the have a small budget as well as small popularity. It is important now days to be present online as well as offline.Offline advertising should not be ignored due to potential internet UN-Savvy customers. So here are some tips that we have used as a new company that we found very helpful.

1. Yellowpages.com - Free local listings - You may be shocked to know that people are ditching the telephone books and using the internet for there main source of research. Yellow pages is a very effective free route to take.

2. Road signs - This form of advertising is good for all those who don't own an email or don't get online often. Road signs are good because now days you can get them really cheap. Some people buy the chloroplast wholesale and write there ads. This method can be quite controversial due to litter. So make sure you have permission from the property owner before posting road signs.

3. Company Blogging - this is the best form in my opinion because customers can get to know you and your business better while bringing in new customers. The search engines love blogs therefore, You should too!

Hope this helped if so...drop a comment!

T-shirts are printed for $5 @


How to Start a Clothing Line | eHow.com

How to Start a Clothing Line | eHow.com

Shared via

Monday, September 7, 2009

How To Be A Christian In The Workplace

It is so tempting to curse someone out when they do something that seriously annoys you. But you are a christian and you are trying to live right and you want to have a good conscious as well as be a good person. In or outside of the workplace. Sometimes it seems as if people try to take advantage of you when you are thought of as the "good guy or girl". Believe it or not there is a way to be respectful, be loving and positive all while getting respect from people.

Remember that walking in love is also walking in long-suffering aka patience. Try to be patient with others who you may usually get upset with. When someone gets ugly with you it is easy to go off on a rampage or curse them out. Don't .Staying cool is staying in control. Ever feel silly or regretful after you completely went off on someone. It is because you know that behaving in such a way is not right.

Don't be afraid to smile at others in the workplace. Sometimes it can be hard to smile with all the drama that goes on (especially if you work around a lot of women :) Instead of actually engaging in the drama and the gossip try saying something positive a lot of times it changes the whole tone of the conversation from negative to postive. It is going to take a lot of will power. The main idea is not to get discouraged. Smiling in a not so happy environment can actually make a huge difference in the type of day you have.

Do minister and tell others of God. Don't force it down there throats. In the workplace there are plenty of opportunities to minister to others. Usually when someone is going through hard times they will be more receptive to the word if you are dealing with non believer. Or sometimes you don't have to say anything they can just see how you are living and treating others. They can see your light shine.

Now don't get me wrong sometimes you do have to be firm dealing with difficult people but make sure when dealing with these people that you look them in the eye and don't avoid confrontation. When there is a problem deal with it, nip it in the bud and try to come up with possible solutions. If you already considered a good person and you feel that others "try you" a bit more than others by being difficult with you don't show signs of weakness. Speak up, tell them what you expect. . It is sometimes OK to joke but be fare but firm.
This is how you will build respect and keep it all while being blessed enough to be a good person and a wonderful manor woman of God.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How to Find A Good Man Who Loves You

Find a Good Man Who Loves You

     I am here to tell you that all men are not dogs! There are plenty of good men who will do the right thing if someone is watching them or not. If a woman is convinced that all men are no good she should take a look within herself and ask the question "why do I attract dogs?" "What's wrong with me?". After a woman asks these questions then she is one step closer to finding a good man who loves her. Following these tips will get you on your way.

1) Take a look on the inside - The first step is to work on you. Everyone has bad qualities or annoying traits about themselves. The key is to minimize yours as much as possible. Find out your "issues". If you don't notice that you have any bad issues about yourself then try to remember things that people told you in the past concerning this. Have you heard "You are too bossy", "You are mean", "You are stubborn", or "You have a drinking problem?" Do some soul searching and be honest with yourself and pick out weaknesses that you can work on.

2) Perfecting your imperfections - Now that you have been real with yourself and found some things to improve here comes the hard part. It is very testing to change something that has been in you for years but the rewards are great. If you are used to getting your way as a child then it is quite natural for you to want to have your way in relationships IE. disregarding the other persons needs to suit your own. Forcing your wants on someone else is a sure way to chase them away. Relationships with one person constantly benefiting and the other not is an imbalance and when things are not balanced they tend to fall. But that's another Hub! Bad habits, however, can be broken. No matter what your problem is tell yourself that you can conquer it. Even if you don't believe it. Hearing is believing when you believe you achieve. With will power, prayer and time you can conquer these things. But first you have to want to correct them. You can find someone who loves you for you with your shortcomings and no one is perfect but make sure that you are walking in love and practice self improvement (it makes you more lovable and attractive :). I will expand more on "walking in love" below.

3) Consistently Chase after God - The benefits of growing closer to God is that you will develop spiritual discernment. You will be able to smell a dog miles away instead of falling for his game and wasting years of your life. Not only do you have the benefits of prayer and other advantages you will have direction and purpose.

4) Know what love is, love it & walk in it - In order to find something you have to know what it is. If you don't know what love is how can you find it. So what is love? 1 Corinthians 13 gives the best definition of love. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, rude,self-seeking,easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs, it does not rejoice in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trusts, hopes and preserves. So if you have a date that is telling you about how much money he has, is not willing to wait on you, brings up your past mistakes or gets mad at you for silly things, etc you may want to find a new one.

The problem with many of us women (and men) is that we are attracted to the good looks, the car, the fun, the money. But all that stuff is superficial and to find something that is going to last you have to be of substance and seek a mate of substance.

This may sound crazy but it is the truth. Some women are attracted to bad guys. If you are one of these women then you may have to go through a little more pain and drama before you realize that you deserve better. But when you are done with all the drama remember this: You may have to teach yourself how to love a good man. A lot of times women who like bad guys tend to try to run over and disrespect a good guy because they feel there is no challenge. This is a sign of immaturity and should be dealt with. A good man deserves respect.

5) Walk in Confidence - One thing that attracts a good man to a good woman is confidence. If you look like Tyrah Banks or like Ugly Betty these laws apply to you! Because it is not how you look on the outside it is how you feel on the inside. Look your best always. You never know when you will run into that God sent man. I can tell you this, it may be when you least expect it.

Don't come across as desperate when you are engaging with a prospect. Find a hobby or something productive that can occupy your mind while you wait for your king. A man loves a woman that has things going on for herself. Start a business, draw or join a neighborhood club. Being a part of something positive gives you the sense that you are useful and not lonely and desperate.

Did this help? Drop a comment...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Financial Advice in the Bible

Bible Base- Financial Advice

The bible gives the best money advice.Whether you are starting an online or offline business, to learn how to increase income, minimize debt and manage money all we have to do is read the good 'ol book.

1) To be successful we first you have to seek the kingdom of God. What gift's has God given you. What do you love? How can you glorify God in what you love. It doesn't matter if you dance, model, even do construction work there is a way you can help others and get his good word out. Many people refer to this as finding your niche.But instead of finding your niche,find God's niche for your life and business.(his is much better!)

Matthew 33
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
2) Continue to gain wisdom. Always allow yourself to grow. The worst thing we can do to ourselves is to think we are perfect or to think we know it all. If you have any personality flaws or weaknesses work on them, continue to improve and pray for understanding. Always Gain wisdom in your area of expertise as well. If you have done step one already chances are you know are constantly gaining wisdom.

Poverbs 24:3-4
Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms shall be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

3) Keep good company by surrounding yourself with positive people who are in the place you want to be or are going in the same direction you are going. Network and meet other business minded/God fearing people such as yourself. If you have done step one already chances are you already have good company.

Proverbs 27:23
Know well the face of your flocks; and pay attention to your herds

4) Control spending. It is good to get rid of habits that cause us to spend out of negligence. Such habits could include shopping, drinking or smoking, gambling, over-eating etc. If you suffer from a of habit try hanging your dream home on the wall and visualize you in it. This can encourage you to stay focused and manage your money accordingly.

Proverbs 10:4
Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.

5)Tithe and give to others. I know you heard the saying give and you shall receive. Being tight with our money is the worst thing we can do if we want to increase our territories. Try giving your last sometimes and while having faith in God and watch what happens.Remember: If your hand is tight nothing can go in and nothing can come out and money is no exception to the rule.

Deuteronomy 15:10
Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.

Proverbs 3:9-10
Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce; So your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine.

Luke 16:10
He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.

Ecclesiastes 5:10 - Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.

1 Timothy 6:7-10
For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

6) Ditch the credit cards, pay cash for cars,if you can, avoid things that can put you in debt
Proverbs 22:26-27Do not be a man who strikes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched from under you.

Ecclesiastes 5:5
It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay.

Proof that God Exists

...and the power of prayer

I promise you that this story is so real. You may find it hard to believe but from time to time people are faced with the temptation of the doubting of God. When I was faced with such temptations I would remember what happened to me and what I saw on this day. The thought of this incident put my faith in God back in check!

What I saw

I wasn't saved forever. In fact I used to be in the streets real bad in and out of jail. This one particular time when I was locked up I met a another girl. For the purpose of her privacy I'll call her Neesha. Neesha was my cell mate. We talked and we laughed she seemed pretty cool. Well, This other girl...I'll call her Boom-keke, seemed to have a problem with Neesha. I,still to this day, don't know what Neesha did to Boom-keke that made her hate her so much. Boom-keke just got to the point were she snapped. When we assembled for population Boom-keke jumped in Neesha's face threatening to kill her. Well Neesha was pregnant so Neesha was not wanting to fight Boom-keke I'm sure if Neesha wasn't pregnant she wouldn't have wanted to fight Boom-keke because Boom-keke was a big,butch female who walked and talked like a man.The gaurds rushed in and sent them to there cell.
That night I went in my cell Neesha and I start talking about the whole thing and Neesha decided she wanted to put a spell on Boom-keke and she need for me to get her real name off of her id wrist-band. I took the whole thing for a big joke anyway so I agreed.
The next morning at breakfast I sat next to Boom-keke and got the info. Neeha took that info and went back into the cell. She started drawing stuff on the wall. It looked like a star, circles and Boom-keke's info. I still didn't think anything of it so I carried on as usual.
During the daytime, I am in population and Neesha is in our cell. The next thing I see is people crowding around my cell. So I push through the crowd to see whats going on. Neesha drew an even bigger circle in the middle of the floor and is sitting and chanting.
That night. I was in the bed about to go to sleep and Neesha stayed up chanting. All of a sudden we heard these cries. It was like who ever was in the cell above was being tormented or tortured. I didn't know this at the time but Boom-keke's cell was directly above ours. The cries continued and Neesha sat at the door smiling with a devilish look.
In the daytime we assembled in population with even more tension between Boom-keke and Nesha but this time Boom-keke had a very strange look on her face and was just starring at Neesha.That night when I was in bed things felt a little different to me. I felt like someone else was in the room with me other than Neesha. To explain things better It felt like someone was standing at the side of my bed but when I turned around no one was there. I tried to ignore it and go to sleep but that seemed impossible at the time.

I was not into God and church then but I did know enough to pray.I did not want Neesha to know I was praying so I wasn't obvious. I said a little prayer to God asking him to get rid of anything in this room that is making me uneasy and anything that is unlike you. I continued to pray and I started to feel comfortable enough to go to sleep and feel the presence go away. I looked up and even though it was dark I could see Neesha's face from the light shining through the door. I asked her if everything is ok is the spell working. She looked at me with a puzzled face and said."It's not working. Somebody is praying!". Right then and there I realized the power of prayer. And if prayer is real so is God as there would have to be someone to pray to.
See in the physical realm(what we see) this is just a nice story. But in the spiritual realm (things unseen) it is spiritual warfare. Neesha needed demonic forces to complete her spell. Demons were in that cell that day but

God sent and angel to cast them out.

Realize your God given power...

Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.

-Mathew 10:1

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Forgive and be set free

Forgiveness is key to living a more fulfilling life. When we forgive we are enabled to have healthy relationships, have a more positive sense of self and be a happier person over all. It can be hard to do but is so worth it once it is accomplished.
Forgiving others

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." (Psalm 55:22)

     How can living in unforgiveness negatively affect our lives? When a person is unforgiving of another that person is carrying "spiritual weight". Some people call this "baggage". This baggage can make us noticable unhappy and unable to grow and mature as a person.This is a person who does not forgive another person who has hurt them in the past. Let's say this person is an ex boyfriend or girlfriend who cheated. The person who fails to forgive still harbors anger for this person not able to trust the next boyfriend or girlfriend. A relationship without trust is speeding in the wrong direction and headed for distruction. It is like a domino effect. I don't trust you so I will check your phone for number, question you, and accuse you. Nothing good comes out of this action. One of two things can happen in this situation: The boyfriend or girlfriend will get tired of bring accused and leave or actually cheat. And it repeats itself in the next relationship.

It is best to have and "I-am-stronger-and-better-because-of-it" kind of attitude.Realize when that person hurt you in the past you learned something new in that situation. It made you more wise. So see, When you don't forgive the person who hurt you lost. If you do forgive the person who hurt you won and they lost.

Forgiving yourself

"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus ..." (Romans 8:1)

Sometimes in life we do things that we are not proud of. This could be any action that we blame ourself for. It could be pain that we caused another person. Whatever It is important to not only learn from that experience and never do it again. But it is equally important to forgive ourselves as well. If we live life not forgiving ourself we could have a bad self image. This could be feelings of guilt, feelings that we are inferior, feelings of low self esteem amd thoughts that we could never be a good person. We must not condemn ourselves. God forgives us when we ask for forgiveness. We have a clean from that point on. Does this give us a free ticket to sin? Absolutely not! but it does give us asecond chance to live a higher quality of life



Love is powerful, so powerful that a person cannot live a life that God intended without it. Learning to love God, others and ourselves is the best thing we could ever do for ourselves and the people around us.

So what is love?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
—I Corinthians 13:4-8a (NIV)

Jesus was full of love and we should be as well. Sometimes it can be hard to love others when we are surrounded by people who don't love us back or sometimes it can be hard when no one was in our lives as children to display this love consistently. But one of the best things we can ever do is master this.

Loving a person

Some people love everyone They are loving,kind, patient, forgiving etc. It is easy to love people like this because they are loving themselves. But what if the person is rude,mean, obnoxious of this should they not be loved as well? This kind of love is a gift from God. Striving to have this kind of love in your heart is an example of the perfect love that God gives us.

"In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the satisfaction for our sins."

~John 4:19~

Loving ourselves

Sometimes it is hard to love others because we don't love ourselves. Forgiving ourselves for things we are ashamed of that we have done in the past will tremendously improve our self image. Here are some things we can do to improve in other areas as well:

1. Tell yourself "I love you" out loud everyday no matter how much you don't believe it and no matter how corny you think it sounds. The truth is hearing is believing and eventually you will believe and walk in the power of love.

2. Read and fully understand the meaning of love that is mentioned above and in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Live what you read.

3. Give yourself credit for your strong points and work on your weaknesses.

4. Don't be afraid of anything God did not give us the spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind.

Bible Verses

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear ... "
-1 john 4:18

"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned, forgive, and ye shall be forgiven."

-Luke 6:37

Friday, August 28, 2009


Patience (pā-shəns) is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.

This is one we all struggle with. And though it may take a while for us some of us to master we can still put patience into practice. Whether you are the stay at home mom with a million kids running around screaming at the top of their lungs, the supervisor at work with employees who think they own the company, or the husband with the wife that just wont stop fussing you can use this as a little reminder.

So how do we live without cutting people off at the intersection because we are late, or being rude at the cashier for holding up the line or rushing God for our dreams to come true. Well we should go back to the basics by appreciating what we have and accepting the things that we can not change. Why rush to get rich instead of being thankful for your present. Don't you realize that there is someone out there who wishes they had half of what you have? So lets practice patience and take that deep breathe before we totally freak out because someone else is not moving as fast as we think they should.Plus fussing about something can only make matters worse. It can also make you feel awful inside. God said that love is patient, love is kind. It can be a battle to keep our patients but it is worth trying. It will definitely take time but once you master it you will notice a higher quality of life.

Things to practice:

1. When you feel the heat rise. Take a deep breathe and realize that God is in control and something good is going to come out of this even though you can not see it now.

2. When you wake up in the morning have your quite time with God so you can get in the right spirit, the right frame of mind, and be prepared to conquer any negativity that would other wise catch you off guard.

3. Realize that your impatience is bigger than you at times. Constantly work towards improving.

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How do you stay so patient?

Run In Victory Clothing CO.

We print shirts for $4.50/pc
churches,praise teams,reunions

Could your organization use extra cash?
Check out our christian tees for $5.00/pc
Sell for $18 That's $13 profit!

Go back to www.runinvictory.com